Play with Heritage, Student Program Leaning Tower of Pisa Posted onApril 12, 2015December 24, 2015 Across Material of the Tower of Pisa. Flaw in the Leaning tower. City of the famous Leaning Tower. Number of floors in the Leaning …
Built Heritage, Explore the Unexplored, Student Program Exploring Barber’s Tomb Posted onFebruary 28, 2015December 24, 2015 Task 2 :Exploring the unexplored The name of the task says it all. And the site I was allotted was Barbers Tomb or Nai-ka-Maqbara as it …
Heritage Nominate, Student Program, Travel Fun with Friends at Jamali Kamali Posted onJanuary 31, 2015December 24, 2015 The New Year had just begun, the festivities had just gotten over, and I, along with all the other GoUNESCO Campus Ambassadors, was given their …
Selfie, Student Program The Ruins of Jamali Kamali Posted onJanuary 8, 2015December 24, 2015 As I reach the Archaeological Village complex in Mehrauli, New Delhi, India, I am welcomed by a large group of florists , busy and concerned …