This article was also featured on Tools4Development ???? Note: FPIC stands for Free, Prior Informed Consent. How would you feel when people post your photos …
The importance of sustaining traditionally and locally embedded cultural heritage, customs and practices is paramount in this era of rapidly escalating modernisation. Taking the case …
This article was originally published on, an open online resource on the arts, cultures and heritage of India. Marginal Voices The economic marginalisation of communities and their …
Civilizations leave their footprints in the form of cultural heritage. Many historical occasions, battles, and lifestyles, are preserved in the form of artifacts and archaeological …
This study focuses on the Shipwreck of Antikythera and especially on its fame through social media. Just like all the other cultural organizations and museums, …
Abstract The current article is reviewing the protection of cultural heritage. Focus is given on local communities and the period after the financial crisis. Firstly, …
Abstract The article examines the matter of cultural tourism and sustainable development. Culture is a set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of …
Construction of houses, settlements, or dwellings, in any architectural expression, is aimed at creating security and a comfortable environment. This perspective appears clearly within Islamic …