Lenggong Valley is located about 80km away from Ipoh town, which equals to about 40 minutes drive if you drive slowly like I do. Signboards are available along the way making it easier to find the Museum location but we did� not manage to go to the actual site because we underestimated the time to visit and tour the archaeological site. This can be arranged though the museum where a tour guide will bring you to the four different archaelogical sites such as Bukit Bunkh-Kota Tampan, Bukit Jawa, Bukit Kepala Gajah and Bukit Gua Harimau. All of which are near each other but sits in a wide area in Grik, Perak. Within Bukit Kepala Gajah are 20 caves which revealed prehistoric burials of the past.

Image:_takau99 on FLickr
The Perak Man Discovered.
The sites dates back to over 2 million years and features open-air and cave sites along the Perak river. It is also where the famous 11,00 years old Perak Man, the oldest most complete human skeleton in South East Asia�was found. Looking at his skeleton and brief history, he is not tall with only about 5 feet in height but�seemed�like a heaviy built man. There was also a display of how we was found, body curled up in a fetal position in the ground.
They said that his left arm was smaller than his right hand due to some gene disformity. He was also said to be of a high society because of the elaborate burial which was placed together with food offerings. He was covered in small shells, followed by more offerings and tools and another shell layer followed by the final dirt layer. The museum even made�a mock identity card made for him with the name �Perak Man� inscribed.

Image: kuutamopupu on Flickr
Visiting Lenggong Valley Museum�
Location: Archaeological Gallery of the Lenggong Valley,� Department of National Heritage, Kota Tampan Lenggong, 33400 Perak Darul Ridzuan | Tel: +605-7679700 | Opening hours: Monday � Saturday: 9.00 am � 5.00 pm, Friday: 9.00 am � 12.00 pm, 3.00 pm � 5.00 pm | Website :�Lenggong Valley Museum