When we talkabout Majapahit ,in our mind it�sthe biggest Hindu Kingdom and the famous Gadjah Mada�s Governor oath . But do you know in Majapahit not only Hinduism was spread along, Buddhism and Islam were well received at the time anyway. Maha Vihara Majapahit�is proof that the Hindu and Buddhist religions can contiguous well . This Vihara is located in the Bejijong village, Trowulan District, Mojokerto . The location of the temple is away from the crowds,it�s very suitable for those who want peace of mind and heart .
There are many facilities in Maha Vihara Majapahit such as dormitories for Monk,free home stay �for tourist, the main temple , meditation hall , hall , toilet , vegetarian canteen, and a garden . There is a very famous icon of this temple, it�s the golden Sleeping Buddha statue . This statue is the largest Buddha statue in the world after Sri Lanka , and Thailand . This statue of Buddha tells the time when Budha Gautama was died , he died when in a state of sleep. Beside there, there is lotus pond. Lotus is a sacred flower for all Buddhism.
This place was recommended to visit for Buddhist or for you who like traveling around. This place is usually crowded during holidays or big days of Buddhist and Chinese ( Confucian ) because at that time there was a religious ceremony and a few interesting events are held . It’s not complete when you marvel at the glory and grandeur of Majapahit , but have not seen evidence of his legacy , Therefore , Visit Mojokerto! ! !
Maha Vihara Majapahit
By Sylva Reggia Cysta Sumantri [email protected]