#makeheritagefun, Heritage, Memorial, Stories, Student Program MGR Memorial: Reminiscing Our Leaders through Heritage Posted onJuly 5, 2016September 2, 2016 It is a dull and gloomy day as I and my friends walk towards MGR Memorial, an edifice that commemorates the life of former Chief Minister …
Intangible Heritage, Sports, Spotlight, Student Program, Traditions Highlands Games Posted onJune 10, 2016June 12, 2016 I’m very happy today to tell you about the Highlands Games, a wonderful sportive festival that takes place every year in several locations around northern …
#makeheritagefun, Campaigns, Participate Make Heritage Fun! December 2015 Posted onDecember 27, 2015December 28, 2015 A report and photos from Make Heritage Fun! events organized on December 20 2015 around the world