The Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan built the Shalimar Gardens in 1637. Akin to all previous Mughal landscape architecture, I found this architectural marvel to also …
Golden Temple of Dambulla�is a�World Heritage Site�located in�Sri Lanka�(near Colombo). It is the largest and most well-kept cave temple in Sri Lanka. It is surrounded …
The�Forbidden City�was the Chinese imperial�palace�from the�Ming dynasty�to the end of the�Qing dynasty. It is located in the center of�Beijing, China, and now houses the�Palace Museum. …
The�Ruwenzori mountains�in southwestern�Uganda�are a high well watered massif rising above dry plains. Rwenzori Mountains National Park (0�06′ – 0�46’N and 29�47′- 30�11’E), a World Heritage …
Acropolis, Athens The Acropolis�was both the fortified citadel and state sanctuary of the�ancient city�of Athens. Although the great building programs of the 5th century B.C. …