5 Reasons why we should Preserve Heritage Sites

Heritage Sites are a symbol of history. They are representation of the past and several times it becomes hard to understand why exactly do we need to spend time, energy and money to preserve heritage sites. Are they really important given the current world we live in? Apparently, they are.

1. Evolution of human consciousness is a continuous process

History and culture

History here serves as a laboratory and the past serves as a demarcation to understand the regional laws and social structures. This understanding helps in our progress towards an ideal society.

 Discover heritage in a unique activity your entire family can participate together – Go Heritage Run! 


2. We are not born capable of judging fairly and wisely

Informed Global citizen


However, learning about various cultures helps us be a good global citizen and improve our critical & analytical thinking.

3. Every historical site has an important story to tell and these stories have inspired many people to strengthen their convictions and commitment to fight injustice and oppression.

Micheele obama - courage

4.Heritage sites are our connection to the past�


Heritage sites are living monuments & record of certain happenings and this�is our real connection to our past.
It proves the existence of our ancestors.

5. Heritage sites�are great for economics!

Heritage conservation has proven to be a thriving place for entrepreneurship & innovation. It has also shown increases property values. Also, since the work is very labour intensive, it actually ends up creating more jobs!�

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2 Replies to “5 Reasons why we should Preserve Heritage Sites

  1. Please could anyone tell me where the quote “We enjoy the best days of our lives because of the past struggles of our ancestors” is from? Many thanks.

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