“HeritagForAll” Foundation in partnership with cumene Studio, organized the first intensive 4-day workshop on April 19th, 2017 titled “Manage Your Heritage Site !” in Cairo, Egypt The workshop discussed the various mechanisms and methods required to manage heritage sites. The entire workshop was conducted under the supervision of Mohamed Badry a freelance Heritage Researcher (M.A. in Heritage Conservation & Site Management) with the support of cumene Studio, to discuss the mechanisms and methods to manage heritage sites.
The content of the workshop included:
1- Definition of World Heritage Sites
2- Outstanding Universal Values
3- Heritage management
4- Heritage interpretation
5- Visitor management
According to the workshop’s event page, it discussed the meaning of expression “World Heritage” and its dis-aggregation – tangible or intangible. With the help of examples, the instructor defined the criteria for nominating and inscribing the heritage sites in the UNESCO World Heritage list. Moreover, he explained the concept of timeline and the heritage issues in each international legislation including conventions, charters, documents, and declarations. For information, visit the workshop’s Facebook page here.