Are you attending COnference on 27th Oct?

GoUNESCOnference (GoUNES.Co) is innovative because it is an online conference where experts (or subject matter experts) from different parts of the world can share their expertise on a specific topic and answer questions from any part of the world. It acts a tool for sharing and discussing important heritage topics using Facebook live. Click here to join the conference.


The agenda of the conference is to promote heritage and culture among people from all over the world. The overarching topic of the conference is World Heritage Site Management. The date of the GoUNES.Co is 27th October 2017. We have invited world heritage site managers from three different countries/continents. The time of the session and the sub topic will be discussed and deliberated with the expert upon his/her confirmation. Click here to join the conference.


We feel proud to announce the three extraordinary speakers for the conference on 27th October, 2017.

Jane Gibson, World Heritage Coordinator, Durham, UK

Time of Session: 1130 AM GMT

To know more about her and the conference, please click here.

S.V.P Halakatti, Senior Advisor, Indian Heritage Cities Network & Former Director (Archaeology) at ASI, New Delhi

Time of session: 1:30 PM GMT

To know more about him and the conference, please click here

Colleen Swain, Director of the World Heritage Office for the City of San Antonio, USA

Time of session: 8 PM GMT

To know more about her, please click here


GoUNESCOnference is a Facebook Live conference organised by GoUNESCO. There are 3 different sessions on 3 heritage-related topics based on an overarching theme. There are 3 speakers/experts/organizations. Each session is of 45 minutes each. Each session is coordinated by a GoUNESCO session coordinator who introduces the expert on FB Live and moderates the questions to the experts. Every participant can ask the expert questions during a specific session on the topic through a Facebook post on the Event Facebook Page or through Facebook Live or by sending a message to the GoUNESCO session coordinator or to GoUNESCO.  Experts answer questions using Facebook Live. At the end of the session, the coordinator makes a summary of the entire session. We expect to reach out to an audience of 10,000 or more in October.

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