Soon after my last go to Konya Turkey, as a makeheritagefun I meet here on June 16 for around a day and gone to Mevlana Jallaluddin Balkhi Romi’s tomb with my husband and it was by a long shot the greatest day of my whole Turkey experience.
Konya city is exceptionally well known as a result of Mevlana’s tomb and bunches of individuals from around the globe comes here to meet this stunning spot.
At the point when first burying to meet the tomb you need to cross the lovely garden with loaded with red and yellow blooms which gives a full vitality to a person. By burying you should put plastic to your shoes to don’t convey soil into the room. In the initial step you well see the tomb then the things which Mevlana utilized like his fabrics, books and summon petition dots. At the point when need to leave this room there is an uncommon spot for implore that anybody can join.
Mevlana’s museum hall situated at the yard which has numerous rooms and demonstrates the live of persons who lived with him.
My first dinner in the Konya was a turkish Pidda on a lodging close of tomb.
Most of the nourishment that we found is hand made sustenance. There’s additionally a lot of meat and few veggie lover alternatives, which makes life troublesome for Some sightseers.
Today Mevlana Jallaluddin Balkhi Romi’s everythings include as a heirtage however nowadays Mevlana’s Mesnavi-manavi book is going to enlist as a legacy into name of Iran and Turkey by unesco in spite of the fact that Mevlana has conceived in Balkh region of Afghanistan and as an afghan I ideally ask for unesco to do it in name of Afghanistan.
In any case this spot is stunning and I prescribe everybody to once meet this world legacy site.