Streets are alive in Tokyo!

There is something that always amazed me in Japan. That is large number of circles, clubs and groups of interest in each school or organisation. From early childhood kids enter a circle and learn new skill, new game. When I came to the showcase of Rhythmic, dance circle in NODAI university, I saw amusing performances of great variety of genres: hip hop, jazz, lock, pop, break dance and others. But the most important that I saw happy faces of young people, that give all they got to the performance and enjoy each moment. That energy and drive made me join the club and few month later I was one of the family.


Rhythmic Groove is a dance circle, that was founded around 14 years ago. Year by year students join, enjoy, spend their evening to master each move, share their skills and experience. It is a big family, once you entered, you are part of it forever. Unlike school circles I’ve encountered in Ukraine, this circle didn’t have official teachers: students from older generations would teach younger ones, and pass their skills for years to come. This self-organisation is fascinating as it teaches not only dance, but also organisational and communication skills. My favourite show was themed as traditional Japan. Each genre would wear different costume, carefully chosen by the members: since I joined jazz genre, we wore traditional Japanese summer kimono, yukata, styled costume, accompanied by traditional instrumental music. Each move had its roots in history and culture, it was transforming into old Edo times when geisha and maiko would entertain visitors with performance and dance: elegantly, with grace, but inviting to watch more.
Another important value of this dance circle is engagement of other dancers from schools and communities nearby. After watching performancec dancers organize new teams, new showcases and it means one more story to tell the world through the dance moves. Don’t you think it would be one of the most sincere stories?


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