Author: Mohamed Badry
Mohamed Badry is from Cairo, Egypt. He is a PhD candidate in the Architecture Department program Architecture: Innovation and Heritage, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy. He is a founder of "HeritageForAll" initiative that was founded in April 2017 focusing the field of the heritage and/or museum management and conservation throughout a group of capacity building activities. He has an extensive background in the field of heritage management and marketing. Holding M.A. in Heritage Conservation and Site Management from Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany) and Helwan University (HU) (Egypt) (2015); a Guidance Diploma, Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management (FTH, HU) (2011); and a Bachelor in History, Faculty of Arts Cairo University (2009), he held numerous internships with UNESCO Cairo office, and UNESCO New Delhi-supported initiative GoUNESCO. His M.A. dissertation was specified in the field of heritage marketing under the title of "Developing Innovative Marketing Plan to Augment the Visitation of Egyptian World Heritage Site(s): a Case Study on Saladin Citadel".
He was a research and teaching assistant in the field of heritage management focusing the theme of Authenticity and Socio-economic Integrity of a Living Heritage at German University of Technology in Oman [affiliated to RWTH Aachen Uni.]. Since 2012, he worked a freelance English-speaking tour guide in Cairo. Then in 2016, he worked for a while as a heritage development officer at Children's Civilization and Creativity Centre (Child Museum). Also, he got an individual ICOM membership. Then, he worked as a monitoring and evaluation officer at OEcumene Studio with UNHCR CSR Unite-funded projects. Also, he participated in the former company, as a researcher, in the heritage project Siwa Architecture Community Centre: towards an Inclusive and Heritage-conscious Urban Transition (SIWI Project) raising awareness of the local community about Siwan architecture and the cultural significance of traditional architectural heritage. Then, as a founder of HeritageForAll initiative, he launched a workshop "Urban Architectural Heritage and Social Interaction" understanding the heritage context in Rashid and estimating how the local community deals with their surrounding cultural heritage. Furthermore, he participated in a consultation team of Shaboury Company - Heritage Development in preparing a proposal of Giza Plateau Master Plan (2019 2022) as a part of UNESCO Egyptian World Heritage Site "Memphis & its Necropolis".