It has been four years since we organized the first GoUNESCO Campus Ambassador (GCA) Program in January 2014. The initial pilot saw participation of more than 80 students from 15 countries. In the 2nd session between June and December 2014, 340 students enrolled from 280 universities in 30 countries. Over the years, several hundreds of heritage enthusiasts have been part of the GoUNESCO Internship Program.
GoUNESCO Internship Program (GIP) 2018
Are you a student, a professional in the heritage sector or just a heritage enthusiast,looking to interact with heritage in a non-preachy, fun way? In our six-month internship program, you will organize heritage events, write about your local heritage and culture, and work on fun tasks with other interns in your city and from all the world.
How to Apply for GIP 2018?
Entry criteria for GIP:� Organize a #makeheritagefun activity in your city
#makeheritagefun activity date: 17 December 2017
Deadline for submission of GIP 2018 Application/MHF report: 25 December 2017
To apply for internship, click here:��