The evolution of Yoga

It is popularly believed that Yoga originated from India about 5,000 years ago. It possibly came into existence during the excavation of the Indus Valley civilization. The soapstone seats that existed during that period have been found engraved with figures resembling that of a yogi sitting down cross-legged.

The Surya Namaskara is one of the most widely practiced exercise routines.
Image: Vinyasa Yoga Ashram on Flickr

Yoga is a way to learn and understand the spirituality imbued within Indian culture and the heritage of India. It means �to unite� in Sanskrit and it describes the way to live a healthy life. �The mind is disciplined through meditation and the body is aligned and strengthened. The nervous system is purified with regular learning and exercise.

The various postures practiced are called asanas, and each one of them is defined by Patanjali. My partner, Rishika Gupta, said she has practiced yoga for more than six years and has been learnt to become far more balanced from its practice. It also helped her to attain inner peace, she opined that meditation is essentially powerful when accompanied by chanting. It is used to create a positive energy and helps in restoring balance.

Simulating the heat of the East through temperature and moisture alterations is the principle that hot Yoga is based on.
Image: Jacob Tolar on Flickr

The United Nations General Assembly set aside June 21st as International Yoga day. An integral part of Indian culture, it has evolved and diversified itself in recent times to incorporate principles from other sciences. The trendy local hot yoga studios around the world are contrasted by more spiritual centers of learning as well.

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