To know more about this heritage site, click here.
What I researched for the previous task, has been useful to show and explain in details St Dunstan in the east heritage site to all the participants of this worldwide event, Make Heritage Fun by GoUNESCO. In fact, as explained on my previous article, this place is an hidden gem in the heart of the City of London and it is still unknown for the majority.
A group of friends and I met up to the closest tube station of the venue and from there we walked slowly until the site. The walk to the garden church incorporated my introduction to the #makeheritage concept .
Once we reached the St Dunstan church in the East, I first left them wander around, admiring all the spots, the� entrances that the church hides. Then, I grouped them to ask them about their first impression about the church followed by my exposition on the history of that beautiful garden opened to the public in 1970 and all previous events experienced by the Gothic architectural church.
I then gave�each of them a piece of paper and�a pen and tried listening to�their opinions or whatever in that moment they were feeling or thinking. Below are some of those comments which made me realize that I had accomplished my goal of making heritage fun.
�This place is like a different world, hidden somewhere in the middle of busy City. It was a great idea to transform a ruined church area into a small beautiful (secret) garden available for everyone (everyone who knows this little gem exists!) . The church remaining, the green and a fountain in the middle all create a unique atmosphere where it’s just nice to stop by, sit for a while and relax, totally detach yourself from the ever hectic London life.�
– � Hanna Ewa Maciejko
�“On Sunday, thanks to my friend Susan, I visited St Dunstan in the East Church. It was a wonderful and unusual discovery as this beautiful monument is secretly hidden in the heart of the city. Susan first explained us the whole story about this church, that is now closed. She also talked about the incredible gothic architecture.”
– � �Karene Diene
“I absolutely loved this place, thanks to its peaceful atmosphere and I also really liked the way the visit was organised.Susan was being bubbly, funny and really enthusiastic during the entire visit which I particularly appreciated!”